We know it’s a been an interesting year.
We’re collecting dedications and songs for people you’ve been thinking about. In their presence or absence.
In the lead up to the 2021 Fremantle Biennale, an international hotline for dedications and song requests will be open by artist and choreographer Amrita Hepi.
Taking cue’s from Noongar Radio’s popular Inside Out, a radio show connecting loved ones separated due to prison, this hotline invites you to leave a dedication, a message or a song, to a loved one you haven’t seen due to the nature of confinement.
A lone and lit podium, the size of a solitary confinement cell in Australia, will become the site for re-dancing the collected dedications during the Biennale, in a continuous audio and dance work.
Performer: Tyrone Earl Lraé Robinson
Sound design: Daniel Jenatsch